Haemophilia is a blood disorder characterized by the lack of blood clotting proteins. In the absence of these proteins, bleeding goes on for a longer time than normal. Haemophilia almost always occurs in males and they get it from their mothers. Females are rarely affected with haemophilia.

The RPWD Act 2016 has recognised persons with blood disorders (Thalassemia, Haemophilia and Sickle Cell Disease) as 'persons with disabilities' under the Act. Those with 40% and above disability will be given a Disability Certificate. The first and foremost benefit of The RPWD Act 2016 is non-discrimination.
Signs and symptoms of haemophilia:
Signs and symptoms of haemophilia vary, depending on your level of clotting factors. If your clotting-factor level is mildly reduced, you may bleed only after surgery or trauma. If your deficiency is severe, you may experience spontaneous bleeding.
Signs and symptoms of spontaneous bleeding include:
Unexplained and excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries, or after surgery or dental work
Many large or deep bruises
Unusual bleeding after vaccinations
Pain, swelling or tightness in your joints
Blood in your urine or stool
Nosebleeds without a known cause
In infants, unexplained irritability
Bleeding into the brain
A simple bump on the head can cause bleeding into the brain for some people who have severe haemophilia. This rarely happens, but it's one of the most serious complications that can occur.
Signs and symptoms include:
Painful, prolonged headache
Repeated vomiting
Sleepiness or lethargy
Double vision
Sudden weakness or clumsiness
Convulsions or seizures
Here are a few things one needs to keep in mind while one suffers haemophilia or comes in contact with someone suffering haemophilia.
Get an annual comprehensive check-up at a haemophilia treatment centre.
Get vaccinated—hepatitis A and B are preventable.
Treat bleeds early and adequately.
Exercise and maintain a healthy weight to protect your joints.
Get tested regularly for blood borne infections.
Accessibility and accommodations:
Allow assignments and class work to be made up at home in cases of absences or missed class time. In some cases, home-bound instruction or tutoring might be appropriate. Exercise is important for kids and teens with hemophilia because it makes their muscles stronger, which protects the joints.
Mobile phone while in school to communicate with teachers or parents in case of sudden bleeding
Food and supplements to avoid:
Large glasses of juice.
Soft drinks, energy drinks, and sweetened tea.
Heavy gravies and sauces.
Butter, shortening, or lard.
Full-fat dairy products.
Foods containing trans fats, including fried foods and baked goods (pastries, pizza, pie, cookies, and crackers)