Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a Neuro-developmental disorder that is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, including deficits in social reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviours used for social interaction, and skills in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships. For the diagnosis, the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities is required.

ASD has a general definition of disability that each person must meet. A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having impairment. For more information about how to determine whether a person has a disability under the RPwD ACT please refer to RPwD ACT.
Accommodating Students with Autism Spectrum:
People with ASD may develop some of the limitations discussed below, but seldom develop all of them. Also, the degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Be aware that not all people with ASD will need accommodations to perform their jobs and many others may only need a few accommodations. The following is only a sample of the possibilities available. Numerous other accommodation solutions may exist.
Questions to Consider:
What limitations is the student experiencing?
How do these limitations affect the student and the student’s job performance?
What specific job tasks are problematic as a result of these limitations?
What accommodations are available to reduce or eliminate these problems? Are all possible resources being used to determine possible accommodations?
Has the student been consulted regarding possible accommodations?
Once accommodations are in place, would it be useful to meet with the student to evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodations and to determine whether additional accommodations are needed?
Do supervisory personnel and students need training?
Accommodation Ideas
By Limitation of: Attentiveness / Concentration
Alternative Lighting
Applications (apps)
Apps for Concentration
Cubicle Doors, Shields, and Shades
Desk Organizers
Desk Pedal Exercisers
Electronic Organizers
Environmental Sound Machines / Tinnitus Maskers / White Noise Machines
Fidget Devices
Focus Enhancement
Full Spectrum or Natural Lighting Products
Noise Abatement
Noise Cancelling Earbuds
Noise Cancelling Headsets
Simulated Skylights and Windows
Sound Absorption and Sound Proof Panels
Sun Boxes and Lights
Sun Simulating Desk Lamps
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planners
Resource. Teachers & Disability inclusion coordinators
Behavior Modification Techniques
Color Coded System
Flexible Schedule
Job Restructuring
Marginal Functions
Modified Break Schedule and Task Flow Chart
Task Separation
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Uninterrupted "Off" Work Time
Verbal Cues
Worksite Redesign / Modified Workspace
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Managing Time
Applications (apps)
Apps for Organization/ Time Management
Electronic Organizers
Fitness Trackers
PDAs, Note takers, and Laptops
Smart Watches
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planners
Job Coaches
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Color-coded Manuals, Outlines, and Maps
Color Coded System
Extra Time
Marginal Functions
Recorded Directives, Messages, Materials
Supervisory Methods
Support Person
Task Flow Chart
Task Separation
Verbal Cues
Written Forms and Prompts
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Memory Loss
Apps for Memory
Break Reminder Software
Electronic Organizers
Form Generating Software
Labels/Bulletin Board
Medication Reminders
Memory Software
Notepad or White Board
On-Screen "Ruler" / Strip
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planners
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Color-coded Manuals, Outlines, and Maps
Color Coded System
Extra Time
Recorded Directives, Messages, Materials
Supervisory Methods
Support Person
Task Flow Chart
Task Separation
Verbal Cues
Voice Recorders
Written Forms and Prompts
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Noise Sensitivity
Alerting Devices
Communicate Another Way
Communication Access Technologies
Hearing Protection
Noise Abatement
Noise Canceling Earbuds
Noise Canceling Headsets
Real-time and Off-line Captioning Services
Sound Absorption and Sound Proof Panels
Worksite Redesign / Modified Workspace
By Limitation of: Organizing / Planning /
Apps for Organization/ Time Management
Desk Organizers
Electronic Organizers
Ergonomic Equipment
Labels/Bulletin Board
Note Collection Software and Technology
Notepad or White Board
Organization Software
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planners
Workflow Management Software
Job Coaches
Professional Organizers
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Color Coded System
Color-coded Manuals, Outlines, and Maps
Job Restructuring
Marginal Functions
On-site Mentoring
Organization/Prioritization Skills
Recorded Directives, Messages, Materials
Supervisory Methods
Task Flow Chart
Task Identification
Task Separation
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Photosensitivity
Alternative Lighting
Anti-Glare Filters for Fluorescent Lights
Anti-Glare/Radiation Filters for Computer Screens
Blue Light Filters
Cubicle Doors, Shields, and Shades
Fluorescent Light Tube Covers
Full Spectrum or Natural Lighting Products
LED Light Filters
LED Lighting
Light Filtering Glasses
Lighting Gel Filters
Non-Fluorescent Lighting
Sun/UV Protective Clothing
Vehicle Window Tinting and Shades
By Limitation of: Respiratory Distress / Breathing Problem
Air Cleaners & Purifiers
Air Cleaners - Chemical/Odor Removal
Air Cleaning Systems
Air Purifiers for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Alternative Cleaning Supplies
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device
Carpet Alternatives, Sealants, and Sustainable Flooring
Escape Hoods
Flexible Schedule
Floor Cleaning/Stripping Products - Chemical Sensitivity
Low/No Odor Paints and Stains
Masks – Respirator
Masks – General/Chemical/Allergen
Odor Control
Outgoing Voice Amplification – Telephone
Personal Air Cleaner (Neckworn)
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Voice Amplification
By Limitation of: Stress tolerance
Apps for Anxiety and Stress
Environmental Sound Machines / Tinnitus Maskers / White Noise Machines
Fitness Trackers
Simulated Skylights and Windows
Sun Boxes and Lights
Sun Simulating Desk Lamps
Student Assistance Program
Behavior Modification Techniques
Communicate Another Way
Complying with Behavior and Conduct Rules
Flexible Schedule
Instant Messaging and Texting Solutions for Businesses
Job Restructuring
Marginal Functions
Modified Break Schedule
On-site Mentoring
One-on-One Communication
Policy Modification
Positive Feedback
Supervisory Feedback
Supervisory Methods
Support Animal
Support Person
Tele-work, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Situations & Solutions
A student with autism spectrum disorder applied for a marketing position with an IT company. He has a verbal communication deficit, though can communicate through handwriting and by e-mail. The employer wanted to provide accommodations during the first stage interview, which involved answering questions from a three-person search committee. We suggest providing the questions in advance and allowing the applicant to furnish written responses during the interview.
A student with autism spectrum disorder is in charge of college canteen. Though knowledgeable in her field, she had difficulty participating in work activities with her team. We suggest job restructuring, which allowed her to work independently while providing information to her team electronically. This gave the student social distance she needed to be comfortable, yet also provided the team with information needed to move forward in the management of canteen.
A research scholar with autism spectrum disorder was able to speak at times, but also experienced episodes when she found it difficult to speak and needed to use a speech device or speech generating app. She was preparing to present her research at a conference. She pre-recorded the audio to go with her slides and brought a tablet with a speech generating app with her in case she needed it during the question and answer portion of her presentation.